Bringing Harmony to People and Place |
The pull to do collaborative work with the land is as strong as my pull to collaborate with others. I've worked with Spirit of Place for almost a decade now, offering myself as apprentice to Places - sacred places, ancient places, urban places, out of wack places - and taking in/drinking up the lessons that are generously given to anyone who pauses long enough, listens deeply enough and is willing to hear.
And while this is happening, there is Something More that is a-stirring within me, and my curiosity is peaked. This work with spirit of place is going through its own transformation. As I grow and show up differently, my work is asking something else of me. I am the first to say I don't know what that 'something else' is yet. I am being stretched to my edges of comfort sitting in this place of not-knowing, but there is no other way to be. Not now. At other times of my life, yes, I would've grasped at my stories and truths. But today, I sit, I trust, I wait, and I follow the breadcrumbs. I say yes to my yeses and let the rest fall away. This is the only thing I know: that sitting in not-knowing is a place I want to be familiar with, get comfortable with, and eventually love intimately. Where my collaboration with the land is headed: Collaborating with spaces that hold unresolved trauma to bring back harmony and wholeness. These are spaces where trauma occurred to the land or on the land, affecting both the places and the people that live in those places. If you have any interest or resonance with what I'm writing, I'd love to hear from you. If you know places that are asking for more harmony and balance, I'd like to hear from you, too. Together, with intention and an open heart, we will shift the imbalances, bringing harmony, beauty and love back on the table to be feasted on by everyone, by all beings. |